Thank you for visiting our web site. We encourage you to contact us if you would like more information
or are interested in becoming a part of this organization.
You may reach the General Secretary by email using the
link below:
or contact
us by using the contact form on the next page
Contributions & Donations
you wish to support the work of the Gypsy Union please contact us for how and to where to send your donations, however
small or large.
please NOTE...
Your gifts to our work are not tax-deductible. Our efforts are bound by conscience and goodwill, not government regulation
or political privilege. We refuse to be numbered or supervised by any government agency.
Also note that due to the fact that the banks charge a small fortune for accepting foreign checks we do not accept
personal checks from outside the UK and we only accept GP Pounds, US Dollars and Euros. From outside the UK this would have
to be in cash.
All donations will be receipted whether cash donations or donations in kind.